VENEZUELA – Unity Needed

posted in: International Solidarity | 0

Worker Unity Needed to Combat the Neoliberal Offensive and Imperialist Intervention in Venezuela In the context of the Communist Party of Britain’s and Young Communist League’s “Defend the Workers! Material Aid for Venezuela’s Class Struggle” financial appeal, general secretary of … Continued


posted in: News & Views | 0

‘The rats are jumping the Johnson ship – but a change of Conservative leaders will not alter the government’s pro-big business, anti-democratic, racist and war mongering agenda’, Tony Conway told the Communist Party’s political committee on Tuesday evening (July 5). … Continued

Inflation is a Class Issue

posted in: Political Economy | 0

Capitalist economics maintains that cost increases, particularly wage rises, have to be passed onto the consumer as if it’s a law of physics. They never ask why profit margins have to be maintained and real wages suppressed. Prices only have … Continued