Welcome to our ORGANISE page, developed for the series of organising events, ‘Unemployment Fightback.’ The CP is growing and we are steadily building our organisation in trade unions and in community campaigns.
Since the pandemic started unemployment has increased by around a million and when furlough finishes millions more are likely to be unemployed unless we fight back. The communist party is committed to the need to build a movement to stop job cuts, end precarious work and invest in the future.
On this page you will find events, publications and resources to help organise the fightback.
Unemployment Fightback
There are many things you can do to fight unemployment & all the related attacks by Big Business and its government…job insecurity, poverty pay, oppressive conditions, bullying bosses, super-exploitation of women black and young workers, gig economy, zero-hours contracts, “fire & rehire”, bogus self-employment, destruction of small businesses etc. All underpinned by the spectre of unemployment.
But working together with others you will be much more effective – through your trade union, a local Trades Union Council, the People’s Assembly (start one if there isn’t one – we can help!) or your local Communist Party or Young Communist League branch.
Get people to read Unemployment Fightback pamphlet.
Could you help plan events based on the pamphlet – maybe a reading group, face-to-face meeting, street stall or Job Centre protest? The pamphlet is available at
Watch the videos on this page, with workmates.
Could you put on similar online things locally – looking at the local economy and community issues – with local working class activists?
Find out more about the Young Communist League.
If you are not already a member, think about joining. Could you promote its Youth Charter policies – for example on apprenticeships, housing and no zero-hours – with young people in your area?
Make sure you are involved in your trade union.
Unions have never been more important or relevant. If you are not in one yet, join! If you are a trade unionist, prepare! If you are an activist, work together with others, to fightback!!
The employment situation for many – particularly in the most precarious sectors economy – means different and new ways of organising are needed to for better pay and conditions, and against super-exploitation and oppressive employers. The movement needs activists in organising and leadership – and offers training in this. You can take part in solidarity activities and encourage others to do the same.
Support local trades union councils in your area. They combine local unions and work with campaign groups to build action and solidarity in the community. Every trade union branch should affiliate to be part of the local movement.
Could you be a delegate from your Union branch and help organise these activities?
There are a wide range of online initiatives that strengthen grassroots trades unionism and workers’ organisation.
We urge you to visit:
– Strike Map
– Institute of Employment Rights
– Campaign for Trade Union Freedom
Can you “like”, contribute to, share and publicise them through social media?
Workers Solidarity Centres (WSCs) are likely to grow in number through trades council support.
They get those in work, and unemployed campaigning together. They can be online, while others work out of union buildings, or high street premises.
Can you contact the trades union council and People’s Assembly to take steps to establish a Workers Solidarity Centre?
Promote and build “Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise” type initiatives.
Work to get precarious workers organised together and acting in solidarity.
‘Get (OurTown) Organised’ campaign is rolling out this programme with trades councils.
Could you contact them through the trades Council and get the ball rolling locally?
There are a number of campaign aims associated with Unemployment Fightback that you could support:
“Furlough” job protection extension and improvement
End ‘Fire and Rehire’ – where workers are sacked and then re-employed only if they accept worsened pay and conditions
Universal Credit “Covid uplift” of £20, which the government plan to remove in October.
Evictions have been banned during covid – we need to extend this ban working with such organisations as Acorn and Renters Union
No Hungry Kids – fighting family and child poverty
Workers’ Voices – are very short one or two minute “straight to camera” videos (as MP4 made on your phone or zoom) – from considered analysis to personal reflection – about your real life experience and reaction to life in 2021 monopoly capitalist crony Britain. These can be posted to Party social media and that of other organisations and individuals. Could you make a Workers Voice video, and get others to do the same – and send it to
Workers Charter – we are developing a Workers Charter – echoing and supporting similar expressions of workers’ needs produced elsewhere in the movement – such as the Manifesto for Labour Rights from the Institute of Employment Rights, the “Green New Deal”, the CWU/TUC “New Deal for Workers”, “No Turning Back” etc – combined with the added edge of the Party’s revolutionary socialist ‘Britain’s Road to Socialism’ strategy. We want you to send in your ideas for a Workers Charter, which can inspire and mobilise our class.
To participate in the Workers Charter, use the comments box opposite. We will get back to you.
Can you support and widen these campaigns as most appropriate in your area through your communist party or YCL branch, local trades council or People’s Assembly?
Communist Party members are asked to use posters, leaflets, pamphlets on street stalls, on noticeboards, in windows, on walls, and of course on social media.
CPB statement on Physical and online trade union conferences.
Please note and use the following communist party statement where you can:
A few trade unions and union organisations have aimed to replicate online the level of democracy of the physical conference but most have not. In all cases the online conference brings a democratic deficit due to the lack of delegates mixing and being able to organise. Additionally, some are not able to participate due to poor internet connection, lack of equipment or inability to use online communications.
The risk of a democratic deficit is also increased as it is easier for a right wing or lazy establishment to limit or manipulate democratic processes.
The CP calls for all trade union conferences to return to being largely physical as soon as it is safe to do so. We do, however, acknowledge the fact that many women find it easier to attend online and that younger people see this as the obvious way to meet, and we will continue to promote discussion on how to best integrate the majority physical conference with the benefits of online meetings, with the aim of optimising democracy for members.
Where conferences are already fixed as online we call for the optimising of the level of democracy.
Leave your comments here
You can read Dara O’Neill’s article in Challenge, the online magazine of the Young Communist League here
You can read Phil Katz’s report-back on the first session (29 May 2021) here
An introductory article in the Morning Star by Bill Greenshields