‘Who ever wins this election, the ruling class stays in power’, CP Political Committee

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“Whoever takes office after 4 July, the ruling capitalist class will remain in power in Britain”, Johnnie Hunter told the Communist Party’s political committee last night (25 June 2024). 

“Across the pro-establishment political parties and the state and monopoly media, there is almost total unity on the fundamental questions facing working people: austerity, privatisation, migration, Palestine, Ukraine and growing militarism”, he declared.

The Communist Party’s Director of Communications said the defeat of the Tories in the General Election will be welcomed, but working people should have no illusions about an incoming right-wing Labour government under Keir Starmer.

“Backed by powerful sections of big business, Starmer will attempt to stifle the green shoots of industrial militancy, class struggle and anti-imperialism which have sprung up recently”, although he predicted the new political scenario offered opportunities to advance the class struggle and and promote the case for socialist revolution.

He emphasised the need to develop a “united front” of working class organisations to prepare for the battles to come. 

The CP Political Committee agreed plans for a second “Red Weekend” in the Party’s election campaign, following activity in more than 50 towns and cities last weekend.

International Secretary Kevan Nelson welcomed the release from prison of Julian Assange, “whose real offence was to expose the war crimes and world-wide spying activities of the United States against both its allies and enemies”.

He also reported on the significant role being played by the Kenyan Communist Party @communistske in the current mass protest movement against President William Ruto and his parliament’s new tax law. KCP Organising Secretary Booker Ngesa Omole has indicated that “eight comrades have been martyred” in the Kenyan army’s massacre of protestors in Nairobi last Tuesday.